Sunday, January 31, 2010

A New Year, a New Blog

Last night I spent a great deal of time re-reading my "old" blog. I lamented about how neglectful I had been with blogging over the past year. In fact, my old blog and turned into a reminder of what I "was not" doing, and becoming a bit of an area of guilt for me. Silly, I know. So...I decided to start fresh. A brand new blog...fresh, crisp and ready to tell the story of 2010 as it unfolds.

Every year, at the beginning of the year, I wonder what God has in store. I wonder what I will learn, what adventures He will lead us into. I also want to know what characther traits God will be shaping in me. This year, He seems to be speaking to me in the areas of "Wisdom and Joy". Thus, the name of my blog for this year. I desire these traits in my life. I desire these traits as a wife and Mother. I desire these traits to be things that come naturally. However, I can tend to be foolish and crabby a lot of the time. So, this year, I'm asking that God weave these traits into the tapestry of my heart. That I will find wisdom in Him and that joy may be the natural outflow of my life. So, here's to a guilt free blog, and many lessons to share!